Monday, March 9, 2009

Uneventful day

Today was fairly uneventful. I woke up around 7:30 to do some work - started around 8. I worked on and off until around 12:30 when I decided to get some lunch. There is a pizza place a few blocks from here I've passed a few times that I went to. Pizza was good. I got a large so I would have leftovers for tomorrow or for dinner - depending on if I was going to make the effort to walk to the grocery store. The large pizza I got was 40 uah - about 6 dollars, however I didn't realize that the tea I got with it was 30 uah - about 4 dollars. I ate half of it and got a box to bring the rest home.

After dropping off my half a pizza I went to the coffee shop and worked for another 3 hours. With all of the data aggregation I've done over the last week, today I managed to put together an 8 page feasibility plan template. It's still a work in progress, but I have my notes of what I want to write in each section and also a few comments to myself. I need to work on the flow of it so it's more logical tomorrow. Eventually I went home and caught up on emails and some other work related stuff.

Soon after I decided that I would go to the grocery store to find some chicken. After walking down there I found out that unless I wanted a whole chicken there wasn't anything left - and there were only 3 whole chickens left at that. I went to look for some orange juice, but alas there was none. Strange because there wasn't any orange juice at the other store I went to beforehand on my way home from the coffee shop. In fact, it seems like the juice selection has been dwindling and the stock isn't being replaced. I found small juicebox sized cartons of OJ and got 4 of them - 1/4 liter a piece. While walking home I realized that it was still warm enough (about 42) and light enough to go for a quick run. I came home and got ready in a hurry and went for a 20 minute run. When I got back I worked out for about 45 minutes using the gym I've been slowly putting together here in my apartment.

After relaxing for about 30 minutes on the computer and catching up with the day I made dinner. Not pizza, not chicken, but a few scrambled eggs. After dinner and a quick shower it was almost 10. Certainly not time to relax yet - I went back to the coffee house to study some Russian verbs. So now it's just shy of midnight and I'm writing this. I think I may relax for a half an hour or so before I go to bed.

I think Wednesday I am going to try to go to (and find) the Armenian embassy so I can get my visa taken care of. Thursday I am meeting Tim for lunch, and supposedly sometime this week Nina - one of the scientists I met this week - is going to call me so I can work on her presentation before she takes off for a conference somewhere next week.

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