Thursday, September 17, 2009

Other happenings of the day

So besides seeing a dead person, there were a few other notable things that happened or that I saw today.

1) I saw a young homeless guy - the same young homeless guy I see most days. He was wearing the same jeans, shirt and shoes he always has on. And I'm pretty sure he uses the same McDonalds cup every day too. When I saw him today though, I realized that dude's actually got quite a gut on him. I came to a few conclusions:
a) He must eat at McDonalds every day, which explains the cup and the gut
b) Being homeless pays pretty well, because I don't think I've ever had a gut like this guy had, and I've been regularly fed for most of my life.

2) I went looking at shoes today. I found a pair that I really liked, and they were super cheap. Marked down from almost $110 to $30. I went to the cash register and the lady rang them up ...$130. I pointed out the price tag on the shoe. Apparently it was $30 the regular price, not $30 total. (I realize the numbers don't add up, I have no idea what the lady actually responded with in Russian when I pointed the price tag out, I just read the cash register.) I gestured that I only had $80 and was going to go to the bank. (It's worth noting that I know the word for ATM, so she understood me.)

Then I left the store. I didn't come back either. Just to be safe, I probably won't ever go into that shoe store again.

3) Normally at night I will get a small (or sometimes large) cup of hot chocolate at the cafe near my apartment and do a little bit of work. Tonight was supposed to be no different. I asked for hot chocolate, and a few minutes later the girl brought it to me. A large cup of hot chocolate syrup. Not the actual drink of hot chocolate that I've gotten maybe 7 or 8 times before. I went and got a menu and pointed to "Hot Chocolate" in the menu, and she confirmed that it was indeed what I got.
I have no idea how to say in Russian, "I don't know what the hell this is but it isn't what I normally get," or "Who the hell drinks an entire cup full of chocolate syrup?" So instead I had 5 or 6 spoon fulls of it, and then just worked for a little bit. I ended up spending $4.50 on a large cup of what was probably Hershey's Syrup.

1 comment:

  1. You should have gotten it in a to-go-cup, added some hot water and a little powdered milk at home and WALA, instant hot chocolate!! Never let a good cup of warm Hershey Syrup go to waste. BTW, I hear you love chicken catcher's.
