Monday, September 7, 2009

Opportunity Knocks

As far as I understand, most crime happens because an opportunity presents itself. If I leave my laptop out in the open, go to the bathroom, and come back to find myself without a laptop - well certainly I'm at fault for giving someone the opportunity to steal my laptop.

Ukraine is currently going through one of its worst economic downturns in history. In fact, research is pointing to the state currency coming close to historical lows in value over the next 2 months. This would be somewhere between 9.5:$1 to 10:$1. Simply put, even the people who have jobs are hurting, and the people who don't are even worse off.

Given that, while walking home last night I came across an interesting opportunity. Lately the city has been digging up a sewer or gas line right next to the fruit/vegetable/bread/alcohol store by my apartment. This weekend they finally finished whatever repairs they were doing, and have started to cover up their work.

They haven't finished yet though, so at the moment, this is what it looks like right outside of the store. You may see a nicely organized pile of sidewalk stones; however, I see opportunity. About 200 opportunities to be exact. If I was, for instance, a hungry homeless person walking by the store at night, looking in at all the nice produce, bread, and alcohol sitting ever so pretty in the store, I'd say I've got about 200 tries to break through the glass windows of the store front. I'd also say I could just as well break through the panes of glass on the front two doors, and probably make a lot less noise.

I don't know if I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet or not. But certainly, I can't say I'll be surprised if it does happen.

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