Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fulbright don't teach class.

I sent my 'boss' an email today asking for some clarification about something work related. In short, depending on what evaluation criteria I use, a center could be ranked as either very good or very bad.

He wrote back with a detailed answer, and at the end of the email, about 3 paragraphs complimenting the report I submitted for the Department of State the previous week. Among a few quotes:

In closing, I really appreciate your contribution to the interim report that we submitted to State last week. It was extremely well written and incisive, especially the report on the [redacted], which I specifically called attention to in the meeting.

Your report was also a nice complement to [name redacted] half of the report because you two are looking at the labs, necessarily, from two different metrics:

The points you made about the [Lab] in Armenia and the [Lab] in Uzbekistan which can attribute a lot of its success to its governmental connections were quite astute.

A few minutes later, I received an email from Miss Fulbright Parker who had this to say:

Thank you for including me on this exchange of e-mails. I am joining John’s words of appreciation of Michael’s input into our interim report. I think our analysis provides both programmatic and business perspectives on measuring success, which are very important.

I do not necessarily agree with everything in Michael’s analysis, but I still agree with most of it and value very highly everything that Michael wrote.

Kind regards,

Based on comments that we exchanged via the comment boxes in Microsoft Word, it appears she thinks I may be making assumptions based upon the information we gathered in the interviews we conducted. As I have a business degree, and she has a degree in statistical sciences and measurement, I can understand that she's much more uneasy about some of the conclusions I may "jump" to. Either way, if the boss guy was happy, then I suppose I did a good job. I get to continue writing more reports tomorrow, and for the next month. I guess I'm moving in the right direction.

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