Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mama Mia!

First an update: As of right now the exchange rate is up to 9.25. I'm going to go exchange another 100 bucks into local currency on my way to the coffee shop.

Also, it seems as though the great spaghetti sauce crusade has ended. While I was in the grocery store last week (the one that's 1.25 miles away) I figured I would take another stab at finding some tomato sauce. I found a can and then a jar of stuff that stood out on the shelves. The reason it stood out was because the label wasn't written in Cyrillic. Instead, it was written in Italian. How could I go wrong trying a jar of stuff that is so Italian it comes from Italy and has an export tag that translates some of the Italian into Ukrainian so people can read what the label says?

I used the sauce with my beef/deer/rabbit meat last night to make a meat sauce and it was pleasantly good. The same brand sells what appeared to be cans of tomatoes. Perhaps I've even found what I need to make my own sauce.

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