Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last to First

Lots to cover from the last few days. First off, went and played paintball yesterday with some locals. Got invited by the bartender at the bar I am at a few days a week for dinner and whatnot. There were a total of 15 of us. As nobody knew me, I was picked last. Kinda pissed me off too since I had played more than a large percentage of the group. Although my brother wanted me to, I didn't yell things such as 'Democracy!' and 'Die you commie ferret!' when I shot people. There were two reasons for that. Mainly, they wouldn't understand me anyways as only a few of them spoke English. And secondly, because most of the people on the other team felt the fury of my gun on a regular basis. I pretty thoroughly kicked everyones ass, and dominated a few games while I was at it. After we finished playing I got an award for 'Best Player'. (My ratio was definitely more than +1)

Besides getting the award for 'shooting everyone dead good', I also earned it for (no surprise here) treating my body like a ragdoll. My knees are pretty cut up from jumping over things and diving on the ground quite often. The place we were playing was in the middle of what used to be an old soviet youth campground. We were in and out of old bathrooms and cabins and in the middle of the woods. The woods part got the best of me as I found myself landing on quite a few branches and tree trunks.

...totally off topic, but I just went and got my dinner. I made spaghetti tonight since I didn't feel like making chicken because I didn't feel like cleaning the cutting board and frying pan from last night when I made chicken. Anyways, there is nothing like finding a piece of moldy parmesan cheese mixed in with the rest of the cheese you just sprinkled all over your dinner. Fresh blue cheese I suppose. Bon Apetit!

Anyways, the paintball day was very fun and I'm glad I went. I also got some more material for what I think will become a potentially reoccurring feature on this blog. More information on that shortly.

I can't tell if something tastes funny with this dinner or if it's just in my mind since I found the big piece of green cheese.

Also, and this can be added to the list of things I've said or done that most surely are sending me to hell, but I saw the smallest dwarf (I wrote midget at first but that's insensitive) I've ever seen in my life today. He was like, a dwarfs dwarf.

Okay, I just found another big piece of green cheese, I'm throwing this out and getting food at the bar next door.

..Back to the dwarf - there was no way he was more than 2.5 feet tall (or is it short?). He came into the coffee shop I was doing work at. I wonder what the effects of a double espresso are on someone that size. Anyways yes, I am easily amused and a terrible person.


  1. International Scavenger Hunt Time: Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to get a picture of you standing next to the russian dwarf. Extra points if both of you flash a peace sign. Double extra points if you can both flash a gang sign.

    You and your brother used to yell "Die yuppie scum!" at me years ago.... guess "Die commie ferret!" is the new thing to yell.

  2. You made me laugh out loud, especially the dwarfs drawf. Oh, and I have been picking out the green stuff from the grating cheese for years (you just never knew it - Sorry Matt.

  3. HI Mike, just got a chance to catch up a bit on the blog. You crack me up!! Glad you kicked commie ass in paintball, I would expect nothing less. Too bad you couldnt get your travel partner to play :) Love all the pictures too! Just so you know, you probably dont blend in no matter what you wear....
    So you go ahead and enjoy those short shorts! I love you, thanks for the laughs. I'll check back soon.
    xo Auntie Mo

  4. Hey there! Reading your old blog posts and given my name on this I thought I would offer this mind-fu**, what if the dwarf is a dwarf because his mother had espresso while he was in the womb, or he was raised on it as a child...something to consider
