Thursday, May 21, 2009

I speak good english

The other day I was on the street and somebody stopped me to ask for directions with their map. He was trying to find a street. Ironically he was on the street he was looking for. After explaining this to him he complimented me on my English skills and asked me where I learned to speak so well. I replied by telling him that I spent a semester abroad in America.

Also, I was just told that a report that I spent the last 4 hours revising was both 'great' and 'excellent' in the same email.

I have a conference call at 6:30 with the CEO/President and the director of one of the programs I am working for. All I know is that it's about a proposal or two I wrote like...3 weeks ago. I'll probably need to go re-read it at some point today.

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