Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lots to update

It's been a week and a lot has gone on. Unfortunately I'm rather tired and will be going to bed soon - it's midnight here. However, before going to bed I think it's worth sharing a thought I had a few days ago.

Being a clothing manufacturer/retailer in Ukraine has to be so much easier than in the USA. I'll use a personal example. When I look around town at the lovely young ladies of Ukraine, I see them wearing clothes of two sizes - small and medium. No large, and certainly no extra large. Things like demand planning and setting up retail settings must be so much easier knowing that there is really no need for 48" jeans.

Which led me to another thought. The margins on clothing must be so much better in countries like Ukraine. The amount of material used on a pair of 24" jeans has to be considerably different than the amount of material used to make a pair of 48" jeans. Yet I've never walked into a store and seen a company try to charge the customer more for the fact that their jeans cost more to make. Hell, they cost more to ship too. Maybe that's what America needs to slim down; retailers should start charging more for clothes that are bigger, and slightly less for clothes that are smaller. Then again, this could backfire if women who should wear extra large clothes start buying mediums in an effort to save a few dollars.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, that's why they make spandex. One size fits ALL!!
