Monday, October 19, 2009

10 Days Later

So I haven't wrote anything here in the last 10 days. It's not that nothing has happened in the last 10 days, but that I've been busy being busy. I've also been busy acting busy but not being busy. See, I'm a chronic procrastinator, and with my November 1st deadline looming, I'm almost hoping to waste a few days so that I feel the crunch of time later in the week. For the time being, I've been maybe a little too efficient with my time and I'm just on pace to finish with no real rush or hurry at all. Also, regarding the November 1st deadline, its a Sunday. I don't know if that means my work is done the Friday before, or the Monday after. I should ask, but I'm afraid that if its the 2nd I'll want to use the extra days.

As for some of the random things that have gone on over the last 10 days:

I have heat in my apartment now. It apparently takes an act of city council to determine when the ~11k residential buildings in downtown Kiev get their heat turned on. Once they approve of a time - which is largely based on weather - they set a 1 week rollout period. So this morning I woke up with my radiators working ...barely. I really can't remember how warm or hot they were when I arrived, but if it actually gets cold in my apartment, I may just have to use the gas stove/oven or hot water/steam from the shower to warm the apartment.

I've gotten pizza twice in the last 10 days. Both times I've come home with the pizza (carryout) there has been a homeless person digging through the dumpsters in the alley that goes to my apartment. That's an uncomfortable feeling.

They (not sure who) installed 3 floodlights in the alleyway to my apartment 2 days ago. That means that since I've lived there they've installed 2 security cameras, and 3 flood lights. I don't know if it's for extra security, or if the area is getting dangerous.

I discovered a new park yesterday. Its much bigger than the park I normally go to, and much nicer. It's basically right next to the places I always go running, and I have no idea how I missed it. It's a shame too because now that its cold here and the sun doesn't come out, it really isn't worth going to if I want to relax. Unless I could build a firepit somewhere I don't see myself hanging out there.

The little fruit shop/grocery store I always go to right next to my apartment has closed. I think its just for remodeling. It's sucked though because for the last week I've had to walk a lot farther to get bottles of water, bananas, eggs, and other random food things.

There's been some more random things...I'll update this again later when I need another break from work.

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