Friday, June 26, 2009

Too Soon?

A few random notes:

MJ died today. To me he died years ago. Between the lack of a career and looking like a zombie I can't really act that impacted. I'm wondering though if he even needs to be embalmed given the extensive plastic surgery he has had. Also, I've read that Madonna has been pretty upset about the whole ordeal. I wonder if she'll try to adopt any of MJ's 3 kids.

The other day I saw two different girls with tattoos of someones name on their neck. It's like a hickey that never goes away.

I discovered a box of rice in our pantry that proudly states the rice comes from the USA. I never actually knew we made rice here.

The mail I got reminding me to renew my KY drivers license was postmarked as coming from somewhere in Tennessee. Strange.

I've noticed this week coffee shops in the US are pretty different than in Ukraine. Besides not selling beer here, there are fewer people in each coffee shop but everyone stays longer. In Ukraine there are a lot of people and they come and go fairly quickly.

I've also noticed that I find myself staring at less women here in the US. Not in a perverted way, but I don't see as many head turning women here. Granted I'm stuck at home with my mom most of the days, when I do get out it's mainly stay at home soccer-moms who aren't working and anyone my age is busy at their job. In Ukraine the youth work much less and jobs are mainly things for 'adults' and people after they've received their university degrees.

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