Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You silly Americans

I try to keep this blog politic free. It prevents anything from coming back and biting me in the butt later on in life. That said, I keep reading some stuff that really makes me wonder about the brain power of the American people.

It appears that lately there has been a rather fierce discussion on the government being involved in health care. My opinion on the matter isn't what's important here. The topic of this post is the people who I keep reading about. I can only laugh when I read about these fanatical people claiming that the government shouldn't and can't be involved in providing health benefits for the American people. Do any of these people work? Do they realize that not only is the government already involved in health care, but that they are supporting it? See that FICA on your paycheck. Yeah, there it is. Not only is it happening, but you're supporting it.

I know I've mentioned something similar many times, but there really needs to be a test that people need to take before being allowed to even show up to certain events and open their mouths. This one as an example:

Finally, a quick note about the health care business. I don't know anything about health care. I know a bit about business. Combining these two, I can fairly safely say that the health care company CEOs don't go into work every day thinking about how many sick people they can help. They think about making money. The only incentive they have for keeping you alive is so that you can get sick again later on and pay them more money. The CEO of Delta doesn't go into work thinking about how many people he can get to their vacations, and Steve Jobs doesn't secretly wake up every morning and want to know what's on your iPod.

Also, I scored a 70% on that MSNBC quiz. Not sure how anyone is supposed to know the answer to 19, so consider a 95% as perfect.


  1. You are your father!! Has he told you about the test the unaccompanyied adults must take before they can open their mouths at the counter?

  2. okay, so i got a 95%! funny enough, I missed number 19...i think the people that are trying to become naturalized citizens may know this one...not us!
