Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How do you people stay skinny?

Something I've always wondered is how the women in this city stay slim. The young ones at least - most of the older women have let themselves go. As I'm walking to work and eating a banana at 10 in the morning, I pass a tiny girl in an even tinier dress eating ice cream. And it's not just her, everyone in the city is always eating ice cream. On hot days there are lines around each and every ice cream stand in the city. It's quite funny actually, all of the women are eating ice cream and all of the men are drinking beer.

Also, there is a girl sitting next to be in the place I'm at. When I was outside and saw her I thought it was a man in a wig. Her arms looked huge and a little hairy. Now that I've sat down next to her I can't tell. I can see hair on her toes, which I would like to think its a fairly masculine thing ...or at least that women would do something about that. Even still, I really can't tell. It would probably be inappropriate to ask her to put her arms out to do the elbow test too. Long story on that one, but women's arms go back further than mens.


  1. Elbows?? Now I really need to hear that story!!

  2. My friend says in order to verify if she is indeed a women, ask her to hold her had up and if her index finger is longer than her ring finger, she is a women. You could also use this same technique to see if she is a transvestite. This may not be accurate if his/her fingers are crooked.
