Monday, August 31, 2009

11 days later

I haven't put anything up here in 11 days. I've been quite busy. My plan is to fill in some blanks over the next few days. However I'm not doing that now. This post is mainly to make me feel like I have to follow up on the claims I'm currently making.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I see you there

Perhaps I've mentioned it here before, but I have what I would describe as a "communication problem" with the people I work with. The problem is that we seem to have different expectations on what a correct response time for an email should be. 1 hour? 1 day? 1 MONTH? (Not kidding about the 1 month thing either.)

Anyways, if you work and have any sort of message client active, and it shows that you are active, than people can see that you are there. Which means you have no excuse to not answer a short 2 sentence email in less than an hour.

Cleaning Lady

So courtesy of my land lady, there is a lady cleaning my apartment right now. I'm fine with it. I've been working a lot lately and haven't had much time to clean. I actually woke up early this morning to clean up before the lady came because it had gotten that bad.

Anyways, she is in there right now on her knees cleaning the toilet. The toilet that I really need to use. I can't imagine anything more disrespectful than asking her to leave so I can dirty the toilet up as she's cleaning it, but man do I need to go.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh technology

I'm going through my manual and editing it by hand on printed paper. I thought of would be easier to get a feel for things this way. So as I just reached the end of a page and went to take a break my mind had the thought of hitting ctrl+s to save my work.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You silly Americans

I try to keep this blog politic free. It prevents anything from coming back and biting me in the butt later on in life. That said, I keep reading some stuff that really makes me wonder about the brain power of the American people.

It appears that lately there has been a rather fierce discussion on the government being involved in health care. My opinion on the matter isn't what's important here. The topic of this post is the people who I keep reading about. I can only laugh when I read about these fanatical people claiming that the government shouldn't and can't be involved in providing health benefits for the American people. Do any of these people work? Do they realize that not only is the government already involved in health care, but that they are supporting it? See that FICA on your paycheck. Yeah, there it is. Not only is it happening, but you're supporting it.

I know I've mentioned something similar many times, but there really needs to be a test that people need to take before being allowed to even show up to certain events and open their mouths. This one as an example:

Finally, a quick note about the health care business. I don't know anything about health care. I know a bit about business. Combining these two, I can fairly safely say that the health care company CEOs don't go into work every day thinking about how many sick people they can help. They think about making money. The only incentive they have for keeping you alive is so that you can get sick again later on and pay them more money. The CEO of Delta doesn't go into work thinking about how many people he can get to their vacations, and Steve Jobs doesn't secretly wake up every morning and want to know what's on your iPod.

Also, I scored a 70% on that MSNBC quiz. Not sure how anyone is supposed to know the answer to 19, so consider a 95% as perfect.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How do you people stay skinny?

Something I've always wondered is how the women in this city stay slim. The young ones at least - most of the older women have let themselves go. As I'm walking to work and eating a banana at 10 in the morning, I pass a tiny girl in an even tinier dress eating ice cream. And it's not just her, everyone in the city is always eating ice cream. On hot days there are lines around each and every ice cream stand in the city. It's quite funny actually, all of the women are eating ice cream and all of the men are drinking beer.

Also, there is a girl sitting next to be in the place I'm at. When I was outside and saw her I thought it was a man in a wig. Her arms looked huge and a little hairy. Now that I've sat down next to her I can't tell. I can see hair on her toes, which I would like to think its a fairly masculine thing ...or at least that women would do something about that. Even still, I really can't tell. It would probably be inappropriate to ask her to put her arms out to do the elbow test too. Long story on that one, but women's arms go back further than mens.

Monday, August 10, 2009

No Prostitutes

Recently a lot of messages have been posted in my building. The photo above is one of them. A while back one was to let us know that the hot water would be shut off for the 2 week period that started the day I got back. By the way, it's been more than 2 weeks and the hot water still hasn't been turned on. While my building has an electric boiler, the water only seems to go to the bathroom (which makes no sense). As a result, I have to wash my dishes in my bathtub when I'm looking to wash just one or two things and not run the dishwasher.

Anyways, I sent photos of the signs to my friend at the local office here and asked him if there was anything important that I needed to know. He called me back and told me that it was all, bologna. He said that one of the bullets included that if you have a prostitute over that you should walk her to the door outside and not leave them in the stairwell.

My guess is that something happened while I was gone for 7 weeks. When I got back there were 2 security cameras installed - one focused on the walkway to the building. I'm not sure if there is a roving pack of prostitutes terrorizing my neighborhood or not, but I suppose anything is possible.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Where has all the water gone?

So I just went to take a shower so I could get rid of my bedhead look before I go out, and it appears that there is no water in my apartment. I'm hoping that the engineers are in the process of turning the hot water for the building back on, and in the process they had to shut everything off. I suppose I'll just have to go work for a while and be dirty.

Also, I didn't know how to send it back since they don't speak english. I also found out after checking out the menu that apparently I got a 'Greek Salad.'

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One of those days...

I asked for a ceasar salad today for lunch. I pretty much get the exact same thing every day; except for the few days they don't have it. (And the girl who took my order damn well knows that.) Somehow I ended up with whatever this thing is. There was a large chunk of tofu in the middle that I scraped off to the left hand side. This isn't exactly what I had in mind for breakfast/lunch today.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

No Words